
Healthy Snacking with Cravendale Milk


cravendale milk review

cravendale milk review

cravendale milk review
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Happy Sunday everyone! Today I'm sharing a healthy snack idea that I have been eating at work to keep me on the go. A few weeks ago I decided I no longer want to eat too many crisps and chocolate so I went on the hunt for a snack that fulfilled my sugar needs but didn't leave me dissatisfied or craving junk food. 

At my local ASDA a bag of muesli caught my eye and I thought to myself 'how great it would be to have a breakfast style snack'. I love milk, fruit and chocolate, so why not put them together?
So I did.

Cravendale milk is best known for it's funny tongue on cheek adverts and when I was sent a voucher to claim a free 2 litre bottle I was looking forward to trying Cravendale milk for the first time (say what?!). 
I always buy semi-skimmed now.. (my fat days are over!) and I did the same with my Cravendale choice. I drink a lot of tea therefore I was interested to see if it tasted any different to supermarket branded milk as this is my normal type of purchase. A few cups of tea later and a delicious muesli bowl gone, I did taste a slight difference. I find that Cravendale tastes more refreshing and leaves you with a creamier after taste ( I like that - some people may not). Although I find the overall price quite pricey (the 2 litre came to £2) I would try this again as a treat when you have extra money for groceries! 

With breakfast week just gone, keep the spirit going with my tasty muesli bowl for a perfect morning kick or an afternoon treat to keep you full for longer and beating that sugar craving! 


* one strawberry sliced
*hand full of raspberries
*muesli of your choice (healthier the better)
*dark chocolate chips
*cravendale milk 

Tip: if you're having this for a lunch snack, out all the dry ingredients in one tupperware and the milk in another. Mix in when you're ready to eat! 

I would love to know what you put in your muesli or granola bowl! x

This is a PR sample post, all photographs and words are my own.

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