Avocado & egg light meal + healthy eating plans


eating plans, healthy eating plans,

eating plans, healthy eating plans,

Happy Sunday! Here's a little relaxing Sunday treat; avocado on gluten free bread with lightly fried eggs, just how I love them.

I'm a little addicted to avocado at the moment, I have it about 5 times in a week and love it. I'm always trying to think of new ways to keep me on track with food, I eat a lot of rubbish but I know I should start eating more meals like above.

So, I took time in searching for some meal plans; using them as a way to guide me into a more healthier lifestyle without feeling deprived.

  1. A healthy eating plan that uses 1,500 calories a day
  2. The little black dress eating plan
  3. A vegetarian eating plan that takes into account your weight and goals 
  4. Tesco Eating plan made by real customers
These eating plans are pretty cool, but I never fully stick to them. If you're feelin hungry don't feel bad for eating a snack or meal :)

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  1. i love avocado on toast!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    1. at first i thought it would be weird, but i love it :) x

  2. What a lovely suggestion, it made me hungry! X
