Gluten Free Pesto & Avocado pasta bowl


gluten free pasta ideas

gluten free pasta ideas

This week I posted up a recipe for some (really yummy) chocolate brownies which were vegan. As I made them, I kinda fell in love with the entire process & how easy it is. I love not using an oven because I burn everything and I just can't judge it..

The taste of these brownies were beyond what I thought they would be, in my opinion I believe them to be the second best brownies that my tongue has ever tasted. I would rate them number one but I have a soft place in my heart for Selfridges brownies.
Today I've got another food post, I've decided to make the change and go gluten free..

I did it last year, went bread free and couldn't handle it so I purchased gluten free alternatives to bread and pasta. It made me feel better, I felt lighter and less bloated - but old habits kicked in and I went back to my old ways. 

A year later, and I'm trying that same boat again.. wish me luck! 

Today I am eating gluten free pasta with avocado (i cant get enough of this) tomaties and organic pesto for vegetarians :) 

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  1. That looks very yummy! I love pesto pasta, adding avocado seems like a good idea! X

    1. i do love avocado, i add it to almost everything, its an obsession! x

  2. seems extra tasty!!:)

  3. This looks delicious!


  4. That looks yum, you should include the recipe so I can give it a try at home :) Hope you're well and we'll speak soon xxx

    Caz | Lunch Break Adventures
