Taking a stroll down my local reservoir


local places in birmingham to sail

local places in birmingham to sail

local places in birmingham to sail

local places in birmingham to sail

I took a stroll down to my local reservoir last weekend, as the weather was lush and I wanted to blog about the lovely area I live in. I have a huge desire to travel and why not start on your doorstep, its always lovely to take a short walk to the reservoir as there are always people sailing away. I sailed here once on a school trip and remembered how scared I was with my little life jacket (how funny). I would love to try and sail here again now I'm grown up, but I'm still pretty scared of that thought...

Are there any places near you that are lovely to walk to? 

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  1. it looks really lovely there, nice photos!

    danielle | avec danielle

  2. What a nice area to live in. I love walking through the streets of Amsterdam - so calming. ^^ X

  3. Looks like such a pretty place for a walk. I also want to travel, but I know that I probably will never make it out of the country until I am really old and have enough money to do all that. :P For now, I like exploring the cities near me! It's cheaper... and it's still really fun and exciting :)


  4. I love reservoirs- they are such odd things!

  5. I too love talking long walks around where I live and I always love it. These pictures are so good. It really looks such a lovely place.


  6. Gorgeous pictures.

    mind looking at my first 'beauty' post? www.kindoflovely.com

  7. Such beautiful pictures! I wish I had something as scenic close to where I live *sigh*

  8. My bf's parent's live in the Forest of Dean which has a stunning scenery all year around! His dad lives in the Wolverhampton area and even there are nice little regions to explore.

    Caz | Style Lingua
