vegan GIVEAWAY by Nanabar London


Nanabar London, a crowd funded enterprise is opening the world's first ALL natural, organic, gluten free and 100% vegan banana nice cream bar! In celebration of this innovative and exciting vegan company, Nanabar London are hosting a MASSIVE GIVEAWAY!

To mark the 14 day countdown to their crowdfunding campaign Nanabar London have teamed up with some seriously awesome brands to run the most epic (vegan friendly) giveaway, ever! With over 35 brands contribute almost 400 prizes to this giveaway (yep!) including Rude Health, Propercorn, Ape Snacks, Lovechock, Rhythm Health, Punch Foods and maaaaany more. The winner will be announced on the 25th July - don't miss out! The competition is open WORLDWIDE - so what are you waiting for?!


Keep up to date with their campaign on Instagram & Twitter

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