Ice Tea Recipes by Tea Chest


Ice Tea is a summer staple, why not have a little fun with it? In celebration of yesterday's #HottestDayOfTheYear we've teamed up with Tea Chest to give you some ice tea inspiration. Scroll down to discover how you can make your summer drink super tropical and thirst quenching...

Iced Green Tea and Mint

Bring one litre of water to the boil and then let it cool for 5-10 minutes till the water reaches approximately 80 degrees Celsius.

Add 4-6 Darjeeling Green or Zhejiang Cloud TeaChest teabags along side a few sprigs of fresh mint to the water and let it steep for around three minutes. Remove the teabags and place in the fridge until it is chilled.

Prepare a large 1.5 – 2 litre jug for the iced tea, then add some more fresh sprigs of mint to the jug alongside a large amount of ice. You can add slices of fresh lemon and sugar too if you wish.

Pour in the chilled tea and serve.

Honeybush and Apple fruity Iced tea

Bring half a litre of water to the boil and add 4 TeaChest Honeybush teabags to the water alongside some cinnamon quills and cloves (to taste). Let them steep for 5-10 minutes and then remove the teabags. Leave the tea to chill.

Prepare a jug with crushed ice and 250 ml of chilled clear apple juice then blend in the Honeybush tea. Check the tea and add up to another 250 ml of apple juice.

Garnish with fresh apple slices and sprigs of mint.

Chinese Hibiscus and Lime

Boil one litre of water and pour over 4-6 TeaChest Chinese Hibiscus tea bags. Let the herbal tea steep for 5 minutes.

Remove the teabags and let the tea chill. Once chilled, squeeze one fresh lime into the tea and add sugar to taste.

Serve over crushed ice.

Traditional Iced tea

Boil 1 litre of water and pour over 3-5 TeaChest black tea bags; either Assam or Prince Miha for a strong black tea or Balasun Valley or Mao Feng for a more mellow one. Add sugar to taste and stir. Steep the tea for 3-5 minutes and then let it cool.

Once chilled, pour it over ice and serve with a slice of lemon.

Variations on the Traditional Iced Tea:

Replace half the teabags with our Ceylon Vanilla tea for a sweeter and more floral tea.

Add fresh blackberries, blackcurrants or raspberries to a jug and add some crushed ice and top with some honey. Gently blend the mixture then pour it over the chilled ice tea. Leave in the fridge for an hour and then serve with a garnish of mint.

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