
Bedroom Wish List: Calm and Collective


Shop: Chest Of Drawers / Curtains from Dunelm / Shoe Pockets / Buddha Wall Art / Hanging Storage with side Compartments / Table Lamp / Plant

Since moving into my flat 2 years ago, I've always dreamt about how I eventually want it to look. As usual things get in the way (like bills) and it's hard to make that vision into reality.
This year, I really want to focus on decorating and making my own mark, so I thought I would do a little wish list on where I would start.

I would love to improve my bedroom as I have far too many clothes and little space to put them. These IKEA storage systems are brilliant - these gems are on the top of my 'to buy' list.
The overall look I want to achieve is a calm and empty look. I hate clutter and I think the bedroom should be a place to destress and unwind.
I would love nothing more than to wake up in the morning and see a clear designed bedroom. The colour's I have selected are pretty neutral and earthy as I feel they give me a sense of cleanly-ness.  

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