
My Hair Saviour: Vatika Naturals


vatika hair shampoo review, hair mask review,

vatika hair shampoo review, hair mask review,

vatika hair shampoo review, hair mask review,

Hello everyone, I hope your having a fabulous Tuesday!?

As beauty reviews go, I do a few on here and I love most products I buy. But this review is one I cannot wait to share with you all. 
Last year I literally gave up on my frizzy bob and bad condition of every day wear and tear on my hair (not to mention the use of heat every single day). 
I asked my amazing hair dresser (whom I've used for over 13 years) what can I do? I explained to her that I have tried everything and I don't know how to help my frizz and my bad conditioned hair.
She suggested to me that I might be lacking protein and needed to add protein in my hair.. so as you do, I googled 'Hair Protein'.

The results that first struck me was seeing that Superdrug offered a shampoo by a brand I've never heard of called Vatika and it was 'hair protein'... without any hesitation at all I purchased the shampoo. 
After just one wash of this shampoo I knew I'd hit gold; my hair felt full of life and not in the annoying way. It was revitalised and felt similar to how I felt when I leave from a trip to the salon. I was so happy with the results I bought some more. 
As time went by, I couldn't afford it and stopped using it. Until a few weeks ago when I popped back into Superdrug to get a few things, I decided to try the hair mask, as I felt this would last longer than a shampoo.

Ohhh my goodness, this hair mask is the best damn thing ever. My hair feels so amazing after I've used it, nothing can compare to it. 
The directions for this mask is to leave it on in a hot towel for 15-20 minutes, but I'm a busy lady and I put it on when I get into the shower and its the last thing I take off, then I rinse and shampoo. The results I had were based on just 5-6 minutes of leaving it in, I'd love to trial what 15 - 20 minutes do x

Have you ever used this brand? 

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