
Face Products That I am Loving Right Now


face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

face product review, nip and fab review, superdrug review

These wipes are amazing for sensitive skin like mine, I stayed away from wipes for years before using these as usually they would give me spots and sting my skin. 

After using this from my GlossyBox in January (see the post here) I can't put it down. It smells so devind & it lasts for a long time, not to mention the water is PINK and that's just too cute..

After talking with the blogger behind TheTingThing I was recommended this as I have fallen in love with serum's.. I prefer them to moisturisers and this one from Superdrug is so hydrating. Their Simply Pure Range looks so good, I'm tempted to try out their other products.  

This night time fix is just that, it's a thick serum that sinks right into your skin. I did a blog post last year about it right here

If you want to improve the health of your skin, then chucking a bucket load of foundation won't help. You need to work from the foundation of your skin, Devine herbal really helps with my redness and it helps with my overall complexion. 

I use to suffer with excruciating headaches and I found this eye mask in Superdrug and gave it a go. I love it, it soothes your eyes and sometimes I pop it on my forehead so it cools it down. I stick it in the fridge to get cold or you can warm it in warm water. 

*Disclaimer: All photographs and works are my own, some of these products were sent to me to review.

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