
Alternative New Year Resolutions I swear by


Get fit
Live healthier 
Instead of making a pact come January the 1st to suddenly stop munching on those cookies and head to the gym, slowly start making changes for the better. The way I look at it, think of your future self, when you're a little older you'll thank yourself that you took a bit more care of your body and skin by making slight changes. 

Tip: incorporate meatless Mondays, set a 7 day meal plan or take one sugar in your tea instead of two...

Save money 
Spend less money on things I don't need
Instead of heading out to the January sales, splurging on last seasons trends for less, stop and think. Do I NEED that dress? Look in your wardrobe, if you don;t like what you have sell it on eBay to gain ore funds for nicer clothes 

Tip: Sale clothes are just clothes people didn't want to buy last season...

Cut out chocolate and crisps
Make better decisions when food shopping
To be fair, I don't care too much for chocolate (I'll get a little craving every now and then) but I can get stuck in a phase where I like to nibble on crisps and chocolate instead of having proper meals. I do believe that this is down to bad shopping choices. Make a list of everything you need for the week and STICK TO IT, that way you can only eat what's in the cupboards and freezer, which saves money if you stick to a budget. When food starts to run low, get creative, look online with the ingredients you have and make some new and fresh, you never know what you could concoct. 

Tip: Swap crisps for snack a jacks or rice cakes or simply treat yourself to one chocolate bar a week as a treat

Workout more 
Make more active choices
Instead of buying an expensive gym membership (instead of saving money) try online workouts once or twice a week on youtube, if time is really tight why not try a 30 day challenge, which will only take around 5-10 minutes from your day and you can tailor it to where you want to tone or lose weight. 

Tip: Do your workout during the mornings and then you can go about your day knowing you've got the 'dreaded' workout over and done with. If you're like me and you can't handle waking up early, do it straight after work and keep a diary of your efforts to keep you on form.  

Spend less time on social media 
Realise that there's more to life than how many likes or followers you have
Admittedly, when I first started blogging back in 2013 I was OBSESSED with how many comments I received or how many followers I had on twitter. Then it struck me that it doesn't matter in the slightest. People will follow you, whether on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Vine, but half of them wont engage with you. Your time is better spent around real people, making memories, taking photo's, travelling or spending some quality to time to yourself. 

Tip: give yourself a cut off point when scrolling through your feed so that your eyes have rest before your sleep and your mind isn't on someone else's status

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  1. This is a really nice post. I've always strayed away from resolutions because I don't want to "resolve" anything, but I would rather be better. This post is right along those lines! adaatude.com

    1. Thank you Adaleta, I wanted to do something a littler different :D x

  2. Nice post !

