Lazy vegan food diary


Everyone is always on the go these days, and we now live in a world where timing is everything, the quicker we can make something happen, the better. Same goes with food, after a long hard day at work, the last thing you want to do is slow cook a stew or make a full on roast etc. Below I have complied my favourite foods that don't take much time to prepare and cook, yet are quite healthy and nutritional. 

Bran flakes - lazy vegan food

Breakfast: Bran flakes and frozen raspberries

Raspberries are full of vitamin C and contain ellagic acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties meaning goodbye bloated belly! 

Avocado on toast - lazy vegan food

Lunch: Avocado and tomatoes on a toasted garlic and herb bagel

There are numerous health benefits of the avocado, this yummy food has more potassium than bananas and has plenty of fibre to keep you full for longer. Eating avocados is known to lower Cholesterol. 

Homemade paprika chips - lazy vegan food

Snack: Homemade paprika chips with mayo 

Paprika is an all-round nutritional food, with many health benefits including improving eyesight, improve blood pressure and its vitamin A content helps with ageing.

Tofu stir fry - lazy vegan food

Dinner: Tofu stir fry 

Tofu offers a good source of protein as well as being low in calories and gluten free. 

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