Fall in the woods


What I wore: Forever 21 playsuit

How quick has October come swinging back around?! I'm definitely feeling chilly mornings and dark evenings now, oh how I dislike this season so much. Me and my friend decided to go around a massive park - imagine twilight but british.. it is beautiful.  I love parks, they're calm and always full of dogs; my absolute favorite animal. 
I wore this playsuit earlier last month for my holiday on Crete, it seems such a long time ago now. I think this playsuit works well in autumn, with the rich purples contrasting with the woodland surrounding giving off that autumn kind of feeling. 
Watch out for my next blog post as I will be posting up creative photographs from my day in the park :)

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  1. Lovely playsuit Leanne,you look great and lovely scenery. I think i have fallen in love with Forever 21,i know i am late 20's but i think i can still pull their stuff off lol! xx

  2. Lovely outfit! Definitely works well in autumn too...I love pieces that you can work in all seasons :) Danielle x

    frontière girl

  3. I love the coat/jacket you're wearing! where is that from? ❤️

  4. Hey Charlotte, it was from a sale shop sadly they dot have anymore as my coat is years old xx
