
10 places I want to see in 5 years


2 months ago I changed my job, from working in a fashion company, now venturing in travel. Don't get me wrong, I've always had a huge passion to travel, I want to explore the wonderful world in which we live in (whether that be the smallest corner or the biggest corner!). Since working in travel, it's opened my eyes even more, I've gained knowledge on places I could only dream about & now my passion to travel is much more. 

I'm constantly thinking about exploring somewhere so I decided to put a post together of my top 10 places I want to visit in 5 years..

Neapolitan Riviera, Italy

Italy is undoubtedly my top choice, I hope to explore here next year in early spring. Neapolitan Riviera is sprinkled with colourful buildings, culture and old ruins.  Neapolitan Riviera has some amazing little places to see, I would love to go to Sorrento, with little boutique shops & easy access to Pompeii, which is full of Roman Culture! Plus, I want to try pizza, pasta & ice cream, the Italian way -  I mean, who wouldn't?

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Sorrento - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Ruins of Pompeii - [Image Source]

Los Angeles, USA 

Visiting America is a dream of mine, I think its because England is always flourished with films and entertainment from the USA and I feel I've seen it all on TV, but I'd love to actually see it. Los Angeles if full of movie sets and busy city life, on the other hand it has beaches and a laid back attitude. I really want to try some fine America food & shop around LA. Apparently, LA is full of Vegan restaurants, which is fab news. Of course, LA has Universal Studios, and I would LOVE to go there to see the Harry Potter world. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Hollywood Sign - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
LA Bridge

Paris, France

I slightly remember going to France when I was in school, but it hasn't implanted a good enough memory, so I'd love to go back! I obviously want to see the Eiffel tower, but I also want to see the city, the shops and restaurants. I would love to go on a romantic city break where I have a picnic at Luxembourg Gardens then head to the Notre Dame Cathedral to see some Gargoyles.  

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Luembourg Gardens - [Image Source]

Rome, Italy

Italy is 100% somewhere I want to continue going back to, so Rome is a great second choice. I want to visit Trevi Fountain and make a wish, then skip by the incredible Colosseum ( a must see I imagine) and see Vatican City. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Trevi Fountain - [Image Source]
Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Vatican City [Image Source]

Dubrovnik, Croatia 

Admittedly I had never heard of this place before, but one glance of the city overview & I was convinced I want to visit here. Its an old town (which I love) and it's got medieval history which would be so fascinating to explore. I want to take a cable ride over the city to take in that amazing view from above. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Dubrovnik Overview from Cable Car - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Kotor City near Dubrovnik - [Image Source]

Barcelona, Spain

I'm heading to Costa Del Sol in October and a train from there to Barcelona is like 3 hours. So I feel another trip to Spain would be needed. I love holidays with a beach but sometimes it's nice to just soak it up in the city. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Barcelona Attractions - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Pretty parks - [Image Source]

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

The one and only thing I must do before any other activity in Amsterdam is to visit Anne Frank's Annex. I really want to see this & I know I'll probably get pretty emotional. I've never really thought too much about Amsterdam, but it seems like a relaxing place to grab a coffee & head toVondelpark on a summer's day. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Amsterdam Canals - [Image Source]

Lisbon, Portugal

Stepping into Lisbon seems like a entire different place, with its colourful exterior and amazing cultural attractions. I love the look of their tram buses, and would love to hop on one! Lisbon has some amazing architecture that I want to see, as well as exploring the bohemian side-streets..

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Beautiful history - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Lisbon Buses - [Image Source]

Melbourne, Australia

I've seen so many instagram photo's of Victoria & I would really love to go there, though the thought of Australia is absolutely appealing, it's also terrifying. It's full of wild animals (scary) and its all the way across the world (gulp!). I would need a lot of travelling under my belt before I have the guts to go here. Victoria seems like the perfect balance of beach and city life for a great holiday. 

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Victoria City - [Image Source]

Where should I go on holiday, europe holiday destinations,
Victoria Beaches - [Image Source]

Santorini, Greece

I've been to Greece 6/7 times now, but I've only ever visited Rhodes, Crete & Falaraki. My mom loves Falaraki, so we went their multiple times, which brings me on to why I want to go to Greece yet again. I went there between the ages of 10-15 and enjoyed the family holidays, then last year (after no holidays for 9 years) I decided to go to Greece as it was a familiar place to get my toes back into travelling. I decided to go to Crete, which is a separate Island, and my oh my - I adored it so much. I plan to continue travelling to various parts of Greece until the places run out.

First on my list the the stunning white washed walls of Santorini. I mean, what a view? 



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  1. That first picture looks amazing <3. Beautiful destinations! I personally want to re-visit Barcelona in the near future. X!

    1. That sounds amazing (: there are soo many beautiful places to decide from x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. These are such beautiful places! I would love to go to Australia, New Zealand and Ireland one day. But who knows if that'll ever happen. Out of your list I think the one I could for sure go to would be Los Angeles... I live in the USA and I really want to go on a road trip around the entire country. I think I will definitely be able to do that one day!


    1. Hey Jess, your list sounds amazing too! I love the idea of you going on a road trip around america (and slightly jealous) xx
